Our commitment is with your physical well-being and our priority is your health.

Our commitment is with your physical well-being and our priority is your health.

Our commitment is to your physical well-being and our priority is your health.

Dr. Fernando Netz
DOCTOR - CRM-PR: 47177
- Education
- Post-graduate in Hormonology – Brazilian Hormonology Association (ASBRAH).
- Post-graduate in Physical Exercise Medicine – Federal University of Paraná (UFPR).
- Medical Doctor – Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).
- B.Sc. Enviromental Engeneering – Federal University of Paraná (UFPR).
- Middle school and High School – Military School of Curitiba (CMC).
- Qualifications
- Countless achievements courses of updates on the endocrinology, metabiology, andrology, sports physiology and sports nutrition.
- Participation in the Brazilian and South American Congress of Exercise and Sports Medicine in 2016, 2020 and 2021.
- Foundation and acting as president of the Academic League of Exercise and Sports Medicine (LAMEXE) of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) in 2017.
- Works as a doctor focusing on the treatment and prevention of diseases and illnesses, investigation of hormonal and nutritional deficiencies, metabolic optimization, hypertrophy and muscle mass gain, weight loss and improvement of body composition, increase in physical performance and, above all, improvement of physical and mental well-being.
Area of Expertise
Treatment and Prevention of Middle Age Symptoms
Correction of Nutritional Needs
Metabolic Optimization
Hormonal Deficiencies Investigation
Hypertrophy and Muscle Mass Gain
Weight Loss and
Body Composition Improvement
Physical and Mental Performance
Healthy and Well Being
Medical Assistance 360
Our goal is to provide comprehensive and holistic medical care with the following objectives: to treat and prevent symptoms of tiredness, malaise, excessive fatigue, feelings of exhaustion, low energy, reduced libido, difficulty losing weight and gaining muscle mass, among others that significantly impact the routine of middle-aged men and women. To investigate nutritional deficiencies and hormonal imbalance. To optimize metabolism. To promote improved body composition through weight loss associated with hypertrophy and muscle mass gain. To increase disposition and physical performance. Above all, to improve physical and mental well-being, promoting healthy lifestyle habits.
In the medical assistance will be done:
- An evaluation of the clinical conditions guided by signs and symptoms
- Research of metabolics and endocrinology changes with analysis of laboratory exams
- An evaluation of biochemical parameters related physical performance
- An evaluation of body composition through of the body measurement of circumferences and skin folds
- Guidance regarding nutrition, supplementation and physical training
Medical Assistance 360 Online
We value to keep the same quality as in-person services with the added convenience of digital media.
Medical procedures can be updated and doubts resolved at any time, in the comfort of your home or work, without having to travel, traffic or parking.
Accessible and personalized medical care, breaking down borders, with time optimization. Requesting tests and prescribing medications, all digitally with a signature valid throughout the country.
In Medical Assistance 360 you will receive all the necessary support through Dr. Netz’s exclusive WhatsApp.
Reviews and Testimonials
- High satisfaction rate. More than 200 reviews with the highest rating.

Based on 200 reviews on Google

Doctor Netz Clinic
Excellence Service
Doctor Netz Clinic
News and Articles
OS EFEITOS FISIOLÓGICOS DOS HORMÔNIOS ANDROGÊNIOS NAS MULHERES Os andrógenos são esteroides que apresentam 19 átomos de carbono e estão associados às …
SÍNDROME DA INSUFICIÊNCIA ANDROGÊNICA (SIA) No resumo anterior, discorri sobre a síntese de hormônios androgênios na mulher e suas ações fisiológicas nos …
SÍNDROME HIPERANDROGÊNICA No primeiro resumo, discorri sobre os principais efeitos fisiológicos dos hormônios androgênicos nas mulheres e como e onde ocorre a …
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Doctor Netz Clinic
Frequently Asked Questions
No. Just a private appointment.
Yes. The clinical building has an outsourced parking.